We compared your product with our current rust inhibitor over a few months and confirmed that your product stops corrosion.

This was the case for Kimura from Mitsubishi Electric FA Industrial Products Corporation.

Thank you for purchasing our antistatic plastic bags.


We very much appreciate the support we’ve had over the past year since we made an inquiry for the first time.


Thank you for purchasing our products, before purchasing from us, what issues were you experiencing?

It usually takes time to clean normal antistatic plastic bags.

Also, we received claims that they’re not easy to clean even when using thinner.


From finding us to placing an order, was there anything that made you hesitate to buy from us?

We were concerned that the actual effect would not be visible.


If there was, what made you feel comfortable with progressing?

We compared our product with our current rust inhibitor over a few months and confirmed that your product stops corrosion.


What was the deciding factor when you decided to purchase our products?

You were confident your product would stop corrosion and you assured us that the product was safe enough to use with food products.

(We tried a similar product before, but people had to wash their hands after using it.)